This story was written by Palesa Morakile, one of students at The Thoughtful Path's Young Journalists Academy, who looks set for a career in news reporting!
Glaxosmithkline health and safety group in collaboration with the Project Hope UK visits the Mayibuye crèches in Munsieville area, several assessments were conducted to check the safety conditions and health precautions that are followed in the pre-schools, Gladness Kgwadibe a teacher from Mpumelelo day care centre states “ the crèche has thirty kids and I take care of all them, my boss owns the crèche and she’s the one who does most of the things like attending different workshops and then she comes back to inform me about what should happen basically she trains me from what she learns in the workshops”. The pre-school has been operating for over five years and it is well established up to this far, the group discovered that although it is well established there’s still a very limited space for the kids and there are not enough facilities and study materials. It still isn’t a set back because they have a well fixed healthy routine for their daily meals and the kids are well taught. The size stretches up to two classes to fit the thirty kids, there’s also a kitchen with only one cooker Cindy Mathonsi “ I manage the cooking and I have a written out menu for the daily meals, I make sure the kids wash their hands every often” she mentions.
Two blocks away from the crèches there’s another day care centre which the group also paid a visit to it has a number of approximately twenty two children, Tswelopele Day care centre caters for children from the age of 1 year up to the age of six years with a number of three staff members who help out. Ms Maselele the owner of the Tswelopele day care says “ It’s unfortunate that my staff members are not qualified but I’m encouraging them to get the proper qualification so that they can become much better I believe so much in them”. She unveiled that the crèche receives health inspection from the government twice a year. It’s a well thought out construction which has signage boards everywhere for the kids to recognize their way around the centre. A daily activity programme to guide them throughout the day which includes toilet routine, washing hands regularly and rest times those are preplanned routine activities that seem to work out for the staff members from Tswelopele. The Glaxosmithkline team together with The Thoughtful Path hope to assist each other through a newly built children’s embassy which is a centre that has a huge interest in the kids of Munsieville who are vulnerable, disadvantaged, active and eager to learn to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others through the guidance from UK support group and members of the community.
Thanks for reading!